58th CIML Meeting - Registration and proxies



   Member States

   Corresponding Members

The 58th CIML Meeting will take place as an in-person meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It will not be possible to participate in, or vote at, the 58th CIML Meeting remotely.

All CIML Members and OIML Corresponding Members are required to register via this page no later than 17 July 2023.

By clicking the button below, a new window will open and you will be directed to the secure My Access area of the main OIML website.

Note: If you are not already logged into the main OIML website you will need to do so before you can access the registration page.

IMPORTANT: Please see the notes below concerning proxies.

BIML note concerning the number of delegates and additional costs:

In conformity with the 2022–2025 budget, a financial contribution is now required to cover the costs (i.e. coffee breaks, lunches, logistical arrangements, OIML Reception) incurred by the OIML when delegations comprise more than two individuals (including the CIML Member/Representative). Accompanying persons will also be required to pay a charge for participating in the OIML Reception. This measure was taken in order to fairly and equitably spread the cost of holding the CIML meeting.

Registration procedure

  1. When you register your delegation via the CIML event website, the system will accept only two delegates (including the CIML Member/Representative). Should you wish to register additional delegates or accompanying persons, you must contact Patricia Saint-Germain (Administrator, Members) by email.
  2. The BIML will email you an invoice requesting you to pay these costs.
  3. Your payment for additional participants must be made to the BIML by bank transfer by 31 August 2023. Please note that no credit card or cash payments are possible, and no payments will be possible at the meeting in Thailand.
  4. Once the payment has been received, your additional delegate(s) will be registered and you will receive a confirmation from the BIML.

Financial contribution to be paid per additional delegate:

  • Seminar (coffee breaks, lunches, logistical arrangements): 65 euros per additional delegate
  • CIML meeting (coffee breaks, lunches, logistical arrangements): 200 euros per additional delegate
  • OIML Reception: 90 euros per additional delegate/per Accompanying person

Download this information as a PDF file:



Note concerning proxies

CIML Members who are unable to attend the 58th CIML Meeting may give a proxy in line with the following:

  1. Proxies may be given by CIML Members at the same time as you register via the OIML website.
  2. In the event that you are unable to attend the 58th CIML Meeting, please provide at least one proxy.
  3. Proxies may only be given to registered CIML Members.
  4. In addition to their own vote, a registered CIML Member may only receive a maximum of TWO proxies.
  5. Before giving a proxy to a registered CIML Member, please obtain their agreement.


   Organisations in Liaison

   Members of Honour

Organisations in Liaison and Members of Honour have received an invitation to register.