58th CIML Meeting - OIML Seminar The future of the OIML in the digital era


Streaming and registration for the Zoom Webinar (Update 2023-10-10)

The BIML and the Seminar organisers are pleased to announce that Parts I and III of the Seminar (see programme below) will be streamed live via Zoom so that remote particpants will be able to follow the presentations. During these two sessions, the Zoom Chat function will be enabled so that remote participants have the opportunity to submit questions to the moderators and presenters.

Register for the online streamed Seminar by clicking this link.


Introduction to the Seminar

The OIML has played an important role in achieving global consistency and harmonisation in legal metrology over the past decades. As new technologies and digital solutions continue to develop in the field of metrology, the OIML's position will become even more crucial as we move towards the digital era.

With this rapid rate of technological change, the OIML's core work focus, i.e. producing Recommendations and standards, will become even more crucial in preserving measurement integrity and consumer and industry confidence in the accuracy of measuring instruments.

The OIML partners with major international organisations based on the "International Statement of Intent", with the commitment to foster harmonisation in digitalisation within the quality and scientific infrastructure. The OIML Digitalisation Task Group (OIML DTG) is the anchor point for this collaboration, as well as for the digital transformation of the OIML's work and services.

This OIML Seminar in Thailand will bring together expertise from all the areas the OIML is involved in, and will offer a unique and timely opportunity to discuss and establish the basis for digital transformation in legal metrology and the corresponding role the OIML must play.

A number of keynote presentations will therefore introduce and address specific aspects of digitalisation; there will be breakout discussions covering distinct questions relating to the OIML DTG’s work plan, and topical sessions will focus on key aspects which will represent the major areas of focus of the OIML's work.

We look forward to seeing as many of our international stakeholders and partners as possible at the Seminar and to discussing these key items with you in an open, productive forum which will bring together many key actors in this fast-changing arena.


Background information to Part II (Update 2023-09-27)

The main task of the breakout group discussions in Part II is to digest and further elaborate on the inputs from the keynote presentations in Part I. The aim is to identify the most relevant topics, challenges, and opportunities for the future of the OIML in the digital era. The outcomes of the discussions will become the basis for a roadmap of future work coordinated by the OIML Digitalisation Task Group (DTG).

What benefits and opportunities can be expected from digitalisation?

The digital era has brought about unprecedented changes in all aspects of our lives, and legal metrology is no exception. Consider the potential advancements in accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility that digitalisation could bring to legal metrology. In principle, the existing technologies enable all countries and economies to leverage these advancements for the improvement of insights and general trust and confidence in products and services. However, the list of possibilities is almost endless, making guidance and collaboration extremely important. The OIML DTG is considered to support this by initiating projects within the OIML, establish collaborations with other organisations, and prepare recommendations for the CIML. For the discussion it will be important to consider expectations about major opportunities for legal metrology in the near future, and to discuss where the DTG should direct its focus.

What is expected from the OIML?

The OIML, as the intergovernmental body that promotes harmonisation and cooperation in legal metrology, can play an essential role in the digitalisation of legal metrology. With the rapid development of digital technologies, legal metrology faces new challenges and opportunities to ensure the reliability, security and interoperability of measuring instruments and data. The OIML can support digitalisation in legal metrology by developing international standards, providing guidance and best practices, facilitating information exchange, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. The group discussion will address the expectations towards the OIML in general, and the DTG in particular.

How could the OIML benefit from regional and national initiatives in digitalisation?

A growing number of national and regional initiatives address digitalisation in legal metrology. The underlying principles as well as the general motivation of these initiatives have a lot in common. This offers several opportunities for collaboration, mutual developments and sharing of expertise. The OIML, as the international organisation in legal metrology, can benefit substantially from these initiatives, provided that suitable pathways and formats are identified.

Download the background information to Part II as a PDF file Adobe


Programme Adobe

PART I – Introduction and keynote presentations
09:00 Opening address (CIML President)
09:05 – 09:20     Introduction to the DTG (Sascha Eichstädt)
09:20 – 09:55     Keynote presentation: Digitalisation in standardisation (Roberta Gerasymchuk, ISO)
09:55 – 10:30 Keynote presentation: Laboratories of the future (Laura Martin, EUROLAB)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
PART II – Topics for open discussion in breakout sessions (8–10 groups)*
11:00 – 12:30 1) What benefits and opportunities for legal metrology can be expected from digitalisation?
  2) What is expected from the OIML as an organisation to support digitalisation in legal metrology?
  3) How could the OIML benefit from regional and national initiatives in digitalisation?
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
PART III – Discussion on the implications of digitalisation for the OIML key pillars*
13:30 – 13:35 Introduction (CIML President)
13:35 – 14:15 Session 1: Technical work (Moderator: Ian Dunmill)
14:15 – 15:00 Session 2: OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) (Moderator: Mannie Panesar)
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:15 Session 3: CEEMS activities (Moderator: Jaco Marneweck)
16:15 – 17:00 Session 4: International cooperation/RLMOs (Moderator: Charles Ehrlich)
17:00 – 17:15 Outcomes, conclusions and closing of the Seminar (CIML President)


*Note: Participants will be invited to provide short statements / presentations during the breakout sessions in Part II and during sessions 1–4 in Part III.