Zip file of documents for the 58th CIML Meeting v1 - 2023-07-17 - Initial zip file of all currently available documents for the 58th CIML Meeting v2 - 2023-08-21 - Added Addendum for Project Proposal, Item 11.2.2 v3 - 2023-09-15 - Added Addendum for CIML President's Report, Item 4 v4 - 2023-09-22 - Amended Addendum for CIML President's Report, Item 4, to include the transition today of Montenegro from Corresponding Member to Member State v5 - 2023-09-28 - Added Addendum for BIML Director's Report, Item 7 v6 - 2023-10-11 - Added Addenda for CEEMS (13) and Liaisons (15), Items 13.1, 13.2a, 13.2b, 15.2, 15.3a, 15.3b, 15.3c v7 - 2023-10-15 - Added Addenda for Other technical items for information and approval, Item 11.3 and Current status and plans regarding e-Learning and online training, Item 11.4 and OIML Digitalisation Task Group (OIML DTG), Item 14 v8 - 2023-10-17 - Amended Addendum for new Basic Publication "Policy and rules for the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by the CIML President in attending legal metrology related events", Item 11.1.3 (Version 2), added Update to the CIML by the BIPM, Item 15.3d, and added Draft Resolutions from Day 1 (2023-10-17) v9 - 2023-10-18 - Amended Addendum 11.1.3 (v3)